
finches - summer breakfast

The finches enjoy the thistle seed while other birds enjoy the boxelder seeds dangling around them.


wren - twig nestbuilding

House wrens want to nest in the nestbox outside my office window, and they are determined to get twigs inside no matter what contortions are needed.


chickadee - 8 eggs

We used the plans from NestWatch to emulate a "tree snag" nestbox using a PVC tube. A pair of chickadees found it quite cozy and built a nest inside. Monitoring the snag box for NestWatch, we noted on May 23 their clutch of 8 eggs.


bluebird - first egg

This spring a pair of bluebirds (Sialia sialis) settled into the nestbox, and Bill’s camera system allowed me to get some amazing footage without disturbing the nest. Here the female is laying her first of 5 eggs.