
the battle for black chokeberries

A group of Eastern Bluebirds Sialia Sialis, darted in and out of the Black Chokeberry Aronia melanocarpa bushes. Surmising these bluebirds might be the two broods that fledged out of our nestbox this summer plus the adults, we smiled and watched as they flew around at the edge of the woods. Then, as the bluebirds moved off towards the cattails, a flock of Cedar Waxwings Bombycilla cedrorum appeared and settled in to savor the black leathery chokeberries. Their grey and buff coloring might help them go unnoticed, but their yellow tail-tips were bright accents among the burnished chokeberry leaves.


the winter "guild"

The birds are gathering into their winter "guild". Several of the woodpeckers are back again -- the Downy Woodpecker Picoides pubescens, the Hairy Woodpecker Picoides villosus, Red-bellied Woodpecker Melanerpes carolinus, and the big Pileated Woodpecker Dryocopus pileatus. This Red-bellied Woodpecker helped himself to sunflower and safflower seeds.

autumn at the edge of the woods


blue jays

The group of blue jays we've seen this summer have joined the guild as winter approaches. The chickadees are so vocal while they enjoy the peanuts; now the jays know about these special treats, too. As soon as I put the nuts out, the reconnaissance flyovers begin . . .


autumn woods

The woods and gardens are gorgeous! After several very cold nights, the leaves are changing to their autumn splendor. The black chokeberry bushes add a warm accent at the edge of the woods.



Peanuts (unsalted, in the shell) are a nice treat for many of the birds that gather into the winter guild here in the wild woods. The chickadees, ever curious, help themselves first whenever we put more peanuts out on the bark tray.


early snow

October, and we've had 3 snowfalls already. It melted quickly since the ground and foliage are still warm, but a rude awakening for the birds who have yet to migrate southward.