The Bluejay hides among the branches until he feels confident of being big boy at the feeder. Then, he swoops down to savor the suet and show us his beautiful blue wing pattern.
Among the birds in the wild woods this winter is the Northern Flicker. This one spent quite a while today seeking insects under the tree bark. Since the sun was shining on his tree, he took a break with feathers fluffed up, then demonstrated how far his neck could reach around back . . .
A few Mourning Doves show up among the guild occasionally, especially if we put out cracked corn. These three sat together warming their feet in dim sunlight.
We've been counting birds for FeederWatch every week. The guild this winter in our wild woods includes black-capped chickadees like the one above. We offer black oil sunflower seeds, safflower seeds, thistle seeds, unsalted peanuts, suet, cranberries, and small pieces of fruit.