
feeding young Bluebirds

The video below shows the adult female Eastern Bluebird that flew into the nestbox with a worm dangling from her beak. She fed the worm to one of her four young birds, then turned up to the opening and accepted another worm from the adult male.

In this way they can feed all four of the hatchlings enough so they'll grow to nearly full size in two weeks.


Eastern Bluebird hatchlings

In the Bluebird nestbox today, four little hatchlings instead of four blue eggs! Both adults are carrying worms to feed the little ones. The female especially likes the mealworms we put out for her to help feed them all.


nesting House Wrens

A pair of House Wrens Troglodytes aedon have settled in one of our nestboxes. They have three eggs so far; typically they lay 4 to 8 in a clutch.
UPDATE: May 27 -- 7 eggs in the nest.

nesting Eastern Bluebirds

This Eastern Bluebird Sialia sialis has been sitting on her 4 eggs for nine days. It is warm enough that she can spend some time above the nest, peering out her doorway watching the bugs go by. In another five days, she and her partner should have several mouths to feed.

feathered nest Tree Swallows

The Tree Swallows have 3 eggs in the nest so far. She has created a cup of grasses and lined it with feathers to protect her babies.
UPDATE: 6 eggs in the nest; she started brooding them on May 27.


Tree Swallows

Tree Swallows Tachycineta bicolor are building a nest in one of the nestboxes. They have been constructing the cup with grass and pine needles for a few days. Today, the female is adding feathers for the cup lining.



The American Goldfinches Spinus tristis males are wearing their bright summer feathers; gorgeous and playful among the trees.


young fledgling

This young bird was perched at the edge of the woods, curious about the thistle seed feeder but uncertain about fluttering away.  We think it is a fledgling Rose Breasted Grosbeak Pheucticus ludovicianus.


wild plum

Under a tangle of vines, brush, and poison ivy, I found a lovely little tree.  It is a wild plum Prunus americana with white flowers.

Columbine blooms in the woods

Wild columbines Aquiligia glow as they nod in the sunny openings among the trees in the wild woods.


Jack blooms in the woods

The Arisaema triphyllum plants are blooming in the woods. Also known as Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Bog Onion, and Wake Robin.


Bloodroot blooms in the woods

The Bloodroot Sanguinaria canadensis flowers are open all across the shady floor of the woods.



Pussywillows are pumping out their catkins ---  nice nesting material for the birds that are arriving for the season.


maple trees in bloom

The maple tree Acer rubrum "Northwood" is in bloom.
They are always spectacular, especially up close!



A new flock of sparrows showed up today, gathering up all the seeds on the ground in the woods and on the woods' edge.  A closer look at their yellow lores tells us they are White-Throated Sparrows Zonotrichia albicollis.