
young fledgling birds

Several bird pairs have fledged their babies out of the nests in the wild woods.  This young Eastern Bluebird happily comes to the plate of mealworms. 

A brood of six Black-capped Chickadees come to the suet to eat and play tag around the feeder.

This Red-bellied Woodpecker is learning to enjoy suet too.  This juvenile does not have a red belly yet, nor the bright red cap that will develop later this autumn.


Gray Catbirds

The adult Gray Catbirds gather food, mainly insects, for their young.  They also love berries; by mid-June, they had eaten every last berry of the mulberry tree's abundant crop.



Enchanter’s Nightshade Circaea lutetiana blooms during the summer in this wild woods.  Its tiny flowers are displayed in loosely arranged spikes; each blossom is about 1/8 inch in diameter with long stamens.
Each flower is short-lived and replaced by a small bur-like fruit that allows animals to help distribute the seeds.