
March - signs of Spring in Minnesota

The maple trees are seeping sap and bursting buds.  The Robins are back for the nesting season.  I'm sure I've heard the sound of warblers singing . . . .


Southwest USA study trip III


While studying wildflowers among cactus in the Southwest, I spotted birds we probably won't see around here . . . .

Gambel's Quail  (nests on the ground, eats grasses and cactus fruits)

Cactus Wren  (nests in woodpecker holes, loud and boisterous)

Gila Woodpecker (makes nest holes in palms and saguaros)

Greater Roadrunner (hides nest in center of cactus thorns, here taking a lizard to the nest)


Southwest USA study trip II

Also spotted at the wetlands preserve, these birds that winter in the south and migrate north in the western USA for nesting season.

top: Cinnamon Teal Anas cyanoptera

middle: American Widgeon Anas americanus

bottom: Lesser Goldfinch Spinus psaltria


Southwest USA study trip

Just returned from studying wildflowers in the Southwest USA. 

At a wetland preserve area, we saw some of the birds that are wintering there but will return to Minnesota for nesting season.

top: Northern Shoveler male Anas clypeata

middle: Common Moorhen Gallinula galeata
bottom: Mallard female Anas platyrhynchos