
convivial Merganser

Today the convivial Merganser shared the favored rock in the pond with a turtle.

The Hooded Mergansers  Lophodytes cucullatus have visited the pond several times in the last few weeks. We saw both females and males, usually in groups, and assumed they were probably stopping for rest or food while migrating. They are nicknamed 'divers' since they dive to feed on items under or in the water.

A few days ago, I noticed a single female Hooded Merganser lazing on the pond close to a male Mallard.  Neither seemed to be bothered by the other. She dived in deep water for food, he dabbled in shallow water for a snack.  They sunned themselves together all day long, complacently napping while floating in the sunshine.

The Mallard has been hanging around for weeks while his mate sits on her nest of eggs. Sometimes we see the pair of Mallards together when the female comes out for meals; they dabble together on the shores.  That day, the Merganser was happy to float with one or both.  This afternoon, she was again present and just as friendly to the turtle who had been sitting on the rock since morning. What a friendly neighbor to all.