
ox-eye daisy - invasive


Ox-eye Daisy Leuceanthemum vulgare is a perennial herbaceous species with a creeping root system. 

This daisy is not native to Minnesota, but imported as an pretty ornamental flower. 

It turned out to be an aggressive invasive species. Once established, it can spread rapidly by means of roots and seeds, and block sunshine for other native wildflowers.


song sparrow


Song Sparrow Melospiza melodia live up their binomial nomenclature 'melodia' by singing a delightful song, enthusiatically, and often.

They move along wetland edges like around the pond. I see the males occasionally, but they spend most of the time in dense, low vegetation. 


nest box Tree Swallows

Tree Swallows nest in cavities . . . old woodpecker holes in trees, or nest boxes.  They do not go far south in winter; they return to Minnesota before any other swallows.  They can eat plant foods, so they can survive before the insects come out.  In the nest box near the pond, the Tree Swallow laid one egg each day in the last six days.  She started incubating the eggs today.  They will hatch in 11 to 20 days.

And the Tree Swallow male stands by to guard the nest while the female incubates the eggs. 


ducklings, Mallard 2023

 This clutch of Mallard ducklings came to the pond a few days ago, led by their mother.




The Lonicera is blooming, now through November.  This perennial vine is a favorite of hummingbirds.

prairie smoke


Prairie Smoke is flowering now.  Geum triflorum is an early bloomer; fertilized flowers are later followed by distinctive silvery-pink fluffy fruits with wispy seedheads or 'plumes' densely covered in fine hairs, making them resemble downy bird feathers or wisps of mauve smoke blowing in the wind.  

This native wildflower is also called Old Man's Beard, Old Man’s Whiskers, Purple Avens, Long-Plumed Avens, and Three-Flowered Avens, or Torchflower.



violets by pond

Blue Violets Viola sororia grow in the riparian area around the pond.  These plants are larval host plants for several species of butterflies.


pair of blue winged teal

Blue-winged Teal Spatula discors have a bold powder-blue patch on their upperwing coverts, only seen in flight or when they are preening.  

They are 'dabblers' - - dipping into water to find aquatic insects and water plants to eat. When on land they eat vegetation and grains. 



We see many Sandpipers on the pond each Spring and Autumn.  They are hard to tell apart! I think this is a Solitary Sandpiper, because it has a dark bill.  Solitary Sandpipers nest further north of Minnesota, but Spotted Sandpipers nest all around the state.