
joe pye weed

A single Joe Pye Weed plant popped up near the pond.  

This plant Eutrochium maculatum, is also called Spotted Joe-pye Weed, Purple Boneset, Spotted Trumpetweed.  It is related to the similar Boneset which blooms white instead of purple or pink.


cruising on a log

 Painted Turtles line up on the shore to soak up the sun.

The free-floating log in the pond is a wonderful chance for the turtles to take a cruise, even though everything is covered with algae.


duck house

We put up a nesting box for ducks last Spring, especially Hooded Mergansers. 

It was too late for nesting season, but I read that sometimes they scout out in the autumn a place to nest next Spring. 

We hope this female is scouting!