

We watched this Ruby-throated Hummingbird Archilochus colubris over several days as it flew from flower to flower, taking an occasional rest on a bare tree branch high above the flower gardens at the woods' edge.


new feathers

Adult birds are molting now that they are finished with nesting season.  Most of them stay hidden in leafy branches and bushes while their old feathers have dropped and they are growing new ones.  Without a full complement of feathers, they may not be able to fly and maneuver well enough to escape predators.  This female Northern Cardinal cautiously peeked out among the branches outside my window.


sunflower snack bar


The sunflowers at the edge of the woods 
invitingly ripen seeds in the sunshine.  
This year, the goldfinches are the 
primary customers at this snack bar.


juvenile Grosbeak

This young Grosbeak has been coming to the suet feeder.  Juvenile Red-breasted Grosbeaks are streaked brown and white with a bold face pattern and enormous bill.  As an adult, it will have a stout triangular bill, and use it to eat a variety of seeds and crunchy insects. If a female, it will remain similar to this feather pattern and coloring; if a male, it will molt into a black-and-white theme with a brilliant rose breast.