green heron preening
sora, master of disguise
My new favorite bird! I just discovered the Sora Porzana carolina (a very secretive wetland bird) this Spring. I watch a pair every day, hunting at the edge of the pond. They think the mottled-pattern camouflage feathers makes them hard to spot. But the bright yellow bill gives them away. (see post on 4/24/2022)
hummingbird 2021
The twig hanging over the water is a favorite perch for birds.
This Ruby-throated Hummingbird sits on the twig to rest on her way to the Lonicera blooming nearby.
hooded merganser ducklings
Today the Hooded Merganser female showed up on the pond with 15 ducklings. This species nests in a cavity, probably in a tree or stump nearby. Once the eggs hatch, the ducklings follow the mother to water. They fed for a while, then she signaled them to rest. They followed her to shore and gathered under her wings. Well, sort of . . . there were many of them!
They dive under water to find small fish, amphibians, clams, mud crabs, crayfish, tadpoles, frogs, and aquatic insects and other crustaceans. They also consume some aquatic plants.
A hot sultry day in August. The pond was quiet. Several rocks appeared offshore in the last few days, exposed by the lack of rain and lower water level. Good for sandpipers hunting lunch. This Solitary Sandpiper Tringa solitaria shows off its white eye ring while it waits on a rock to spot a meal in or on the water -- aquatic invertebrates such as larvae, worms, flies, or mollusks.