
nest watching

This year, with video cams in several positions, we are able to verify much more bird nesting activity. We've watched as a pair of bluebirds fledged a brood of 5, chickadees fledged a brood of 6, and house wrens fledged a brood of 6. Last week we fed a stray baby robin several freshly-dig earthworms, then watched him sit in the maple tree the entire next day begging for more. Over the last several days we've watched as the bluebirds laid a new clutch of 4 eggs in their nestbox. The material in the snag box (formerly used by the chickadees) has been rearranged each day, and this morning one little wren egg is visible at the bottom of this deep cozy hideaway. I am still hoping to spot the nests of the cardinals, goldfinches, and hummingbirds that inhabit the wild woods.