
basking turtles

Many Painted Turtles Chrysemys picta live in the pond. On sunny days they climb out of the water and bask in the sun to warm their blood.  In this temperate Spring weather, they spread all their appendages including head and neck out of the shell to get maximum exposure.


blue-wing teal

Some waterfowl, Blue-winged Teal Anas discors, stopped on the pond today.  They are some of the last ducks to arrive each Spring on breeding grounds because of their long migration from South America or Mexico. Smaller than Mallards, each weighs 9 to 18 ounces. They feed by 'dabbling' for plant matter under the water, or for crustaceans or insect larvae in the water.


tree swallow, first of 2021

Migration brings something new each day!  We saw several Tree Swallows, actively aerial hunting over the pond for any flying insects they could eat.  One checked out the nestbox where a pair raised a clutch of eggs successfully last year.  They moved on, but the box is ready in nesting season for Bluebirds or Tree Swallows making their way here.


dove on rock

The Mourning Doves Zenaida macroura spent winter near the pond in nearby bushes and tree cover. This one is celebrating Spring by investigating the water and rocks in the pond. 

Its bright pink-orange feet made it through another cold season by the 'wonderful net' of arteries. This adaptation interweaves blood vessels from and to the heart so birds don’t lose much heat through their feet. Read more at




golden alexanders

Many native plants are coming up through their winter blankets of grasses and mulch.  The Golden Alexanders Zizia aurea will be displaying their golden yellow flowers in just a few weeks.


hooded mergansers

Hooded Mergansers Lophodytes cucullatus are the smallest of the three native Mergansers. They migrate in early Spring along the Mississippi River and arrive on breeding grounds as soon as the ice is melted.  On this pond, they rest and find nourishment in aquatic insects, crustaceans, amphibians, and vegetation.  Pairs form in winter and they will find a tree cavity or wood duck box to built their nest.


tamarack rosettes

There are several trees in the riparian area around the pond.  One is the Tamarack Larix laricina or American Larch.  It is just starting to flower, before sprouting its fresh bright green soft needles. Tamarack is a native deciduous conifer; it is in the pine family but sheds needles (leaves) in Autumn.


lovey doves

Mourning Doves being lovey-dovey.  A small flock has been here all winter, coming to the feeders for nourishment. These two hang together now since it is mating season. One was feeding the other a morsel, a sure sign of courtship.  The male of this species is slightly larger than the female, and he has a pink chest.  


hooded mergansers

Late on this balmy Spring day, a pair of Hooded Mergansers landed on the pond. They might be migrating, needing a place to stop and rest. We watched them paddle around a bit near the far shoreline. As the sunlight dimmed, the turtles who spent the afternoon warming themselves on the rocks started swimming back into the pond. Neither species seemed to be bothered by the other. This turtle sat comfortably with the ducks for a long time, each enjoying the end of winter.

turtles in Spring

Springtime, sunny, and balmy.  Turtles all came out of the pond today to warm up on the rocks. To get maximum exposure to the sun's warmth, they extend their legs, neck, and tail.