
fallen leaves

Maple, elm, mulberry, swamp oak, birch, and willow leaves create a palette of October color.  It helps the finches and doves appear less visible as they feed. The hawks circle overhead.


Bluejay bully

A Northern Cardinal was enjoying safflower seeds at the tray feeder this morning.  The Bluejays wanted the peanuts from the same tray.  The Cardinal held his ground, barking at the jays to go away.  They barked back, and grabbed peanuts as they could, then flew away to bury each one.


migrating painted ladies

The garden was aflutter last week with Painted Lady butterflies Vanessa cardui.  They were obsessed with the blossoms of Brazilian Vervain Verbena bonariensis.  Fortunately, the lavender blooms are abundant this year, probably self-seeded from last year's single pot of the plant.  I was beginning to think I had too many of the tall strong stems topped with airy umbrellas of tiny flowers.  Now, glad they invited the ladies to stop for refueling on their way south!