
The bird feeder garden is a success!  Lettuces, tomatoes, kale, arugula, peas, string beans, cucumbers, carrots, beets, onions.  Chives, basil, and all the usual herbs for the kitchen.  Sunflowers along the edge, for birds to enjoy.  Milkweed nearby, for the wonderful scent drifting by when I'm down on my knees pulling weeds.  Each year, more perennials to provide nectar and seeds.

The University of Minnesota provides a wide range of information for gardeners:

The absolute best online resource to learn about wildflowers that grow in Minnesota:
This web site was created by Katy Chayka, a Minnesota Master Naturalist volunteer and native plant enthusiast; with collaboration by Peter M. Dziuk, noted imaginographer and long-time native plant advocate.

A wonderful resource to help identify wildflowers is "Friends of The Wildflower Garden".  Find information on wildflowers that grow in the Eloise Butler Garden by common name, scientific name, bloom season, blossom color, or just thumb through the beautiful thumbnail photos.

The arbor --- where we sit to watch hummingbirds, and enjoy a view into the woods.

The woodland bench, along the path that winds through the woods.