

I always try to grow sunflowers as food for the birds.

This big one was gorgeous before it fully bloomed, as well as after it opened!

However, as usual, the seeds are enjoyed by more than just the birds. 


resident Hummingbirds

This year, we put a dry branch up as a perch extending from one of the feeder poles.  It is the favorite spot for the hummingbirds to sit and survey their flower garden.


feathered nest

Tree Swallows Tachycineta bicolor, who line their nests with found feathers, fledged their five young out of the nestbox a few days ago.  This is what I found when clearing out the box.  I clean and save such feathers, then put them out again in Springtime for the next nesting season. Some birds place colored or shiny items in their nest . . . wire, yarn, ribbons, etc.

This collection included a little blue sparkly hair pin!