
pileated woodpeckers

A pair of pileated woodpeckers (Dryocopus pileatus) live in our wild woods. They are very secretive so we have not located their nest or roost hole. Over the last few weeks we've seen them at the suet blocks every few days. Nearly 18 inches long, the male is big enough to tilt the "barn" feeder as he hangs on it. This afternoon, as the wind chills dipped, the female hung on a big tree and fluffed up her feathers to stay warm.


elated chickadee

We put up a new "tray" feeder on a pole near the "barn" seed dispenser and suet cages.
The chickadees seem to love the new offerings!



We've seen a single Northern Flicker several times recently at the suet block and scavenging along tree bark in our wild woods.