
eagle nest, January

The eagle nest near the pond is again claimed as home for a pair of Bald Eagles Haliaeetus leucocephalus. One was in the nest for a while before this, probably rearranging sticks to her liking in preparation to lay eggs.


FeederWatch, Downy Woodpecker


FeederWatch, a citizen-science program of Cornell University Lab of Ornithology, is once again an activity for me through the cold winter months.  This small Downy Woodpecker Dryobates pubescens comes every day to feed at the suet block hanging near the pond. Suet supplements his regular diet of insects which he searches for between folds of tree bark. His tail feathers are strong and positionable to support him on tree branches or wherever he finds food.


new year 2022 Juncos

Dark-eyed Juncos made their sudden winter appearance several weeks ago.  In Springtime, they find mates and nest "up north" in Canada.  In Autumn they migrate to places across the US where they spend the colder months. Junco hyemalis are flashy little sparrows. I think they look as if they're wearing tuxedoes, with crisp markings -- a white chest and belly, dark gray or black back, and pink bill.  They have bright white tail feathers which they reveal as they flit around on the ground searching for seeds. Juncos flock together in winter, sometimes with others species. When they find a stash of seeds (like this dish on the deck overlooking the pond) they grudgingly takes turns at it.