
Robin in Springtime song

The Robins Turdus migratorius are busy gathering mud and grass for their nests, and singing during their work breaks.


treetop nests

As the snow melts and wind lifts away the clutter, we can see more clearly the nests at treetop level.   Maybe old empty ones, currently cozy ones, or soon to be used?


forsythia blooms

The forsythias are in full bloom this week.


bright epaulettes on blackbirds

The Red-Winged Blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus sings from the cattails and snatches snacks from the seed tray.


nest site selection

Bird pairs in the wild woods sing to one another as they inspect possible nest locations. We provide nest boxes, nesting tubes, and shrubs for the birds; we also put out clusters of fiber and grasses to help cushion their nests.



The birds are leaving the winter guild and finding mates again; this pair of House Finches Haemorhous mexicanus lunched together and sunned themselves on the tray feeder.

The sounds of Spring are louder each day -- woodpeckers drumming and excavating nest cavities, cardinals singing to one another, robins warning us away from their desired nesting spots, nuthatches barking for more peanuts, and chickadees chatting.