Another day, another hawk. One of the dangers for songbirds at feeder stations is the hawk that knows it is a good spot to prey on smaller birds. While I am sorry to see the little birds threatened, the hawks are also interesting to watch. This Cooper's Hawk Accipiter cooperii appeared around noon, sitting in a tree crotch exposed to the sun. For nearly an hour, he stayed there even though the Chickadees and Finches scolded him continuously. We watched several smaller birds go back and forth between the feeders and branches just six feet from the hawk. Surely they knew he was there. And surely he was not hungry, or there would have been a different scenario.
would-be thieves
The wild woods is home to many Gray squirrels and a few Red Squirrels. This little guy tries every day to jump from a branch to the bird feeder. But so far, no success.
The squirrels do try to climb straight up the poles to the bird food, but the "slinky" toys suspended on each pole are too scary from below. The squirrels stand at the bottom, climb a bit, reach up, and touch the bottom of the slinky, but run away as soon as it jiggles.
The squirrels do try to climb straight up the poles to the bird food, but the "slinky" toys suspended on each pole are too scary from below. The squirrels stand at the bottom, climb a bit, reach up, and touch the bottom of the slinky, but run away as soon as it jiggles.
down underwear
When it gets cold near zero F, birds fluff their feathers out to hold their body heat among the down beneath their larger feathers. This little Downy Woodpecker Picoides pubescens was seeking insects along the bark on the Boxelder tree, but paused to rearrange his downy underwear for maximum heat retention.
Common Redpoll
This week, some Common Redpolls joined the guild of mixed species in the wild woods. Their perky attitude and bright red caps made them stand out among the other finches. Usually nesting in the arctic tundra and boreal forests, they come south for warmth in winter.
albino House Finch
At first I thought this little round white bird, roosting early this morning among the House Finches, was an owl. But closer inspection through the binoculars make me think it is an albino House Finch.
rosy finches
There are usually groups of finches in the wild woods. Most often, they are the rosy House Finches and gold or olive Goldfinches. Occasionally, I see Purple Finches among them.
post-lunch nap
Mid-afternoon. We noticed the Sharp-shinned Hawk Accipiter striatus sitting in the sun on a branch at the edge of the wild woods. Usually when we see this bird, he is hunting, scanning for prey, and on the move. Today he sat for almost one hour, sunning himself, eyelids occasionally drooping. We wondered -- why so languid? Then we noticed the subtle splotches of red blood on his bib. No need to hunt with a full belly and warm sunshine.
Instead of snow today, rain and fog. But the Northern Cardinals looked especially vibrant as they moved around and nibbled on the seeds hanging in the Boxelder Acer negundo tree. The Boxelder's samara "winged fruit" are an important source of food for birds and mammals because they stay on the tree through winter, when other food resources might be scarce.
snowy woods
After several inches of snow overnight, the feeder stations are all more difficult for the birds to use with their usual carefree twittering. The chickadees were the first to start burrowing through the snow shelf covering the seed spouts on each station. The seed in the tray was totally snow covered.
I put a chunk of suet on the tray but
it soon became covered with snow.
The intrepid Juncos made little tunnels to reach in and nibble the suet. They are ground feeders, preferring to walk and kick loose the seeds they can find among grass and leaves. I also put some fresh seed in a pot turn on its side in the tray, so they could get sunflower seeds there even though the snow is coming down more heavily.
The birds' water bowl is heated just enough to keep it open for them to drink.
I put a chunk of suet on the tray but
it soon became covered with snow.
The intrepid Juncos made little tunnels to reach in and nibble the suet. They are ground feeders, preferring to walk and kick loose the seeds they can find among grass and leaves. I also put some fresh seed in a pot turn on its side in the tray, so they could get sunflower seeds there even though the snow is coming down more heavily.

all-season cabana
My backyard "cabana" is an arbor for the hummingbirds in summer. Now, with a frosting of snow, it is still the perfect place to sit and watch into the wild woods.
the mushroom tree
shelf mushroom
This "shelf mushroom" was growing on a tree in the woods all summer. This type grows on trees that are probably rotting inside, so there may be a new woodpecker tree in our future. The mushroom looked vital from all angles, so I snapped photos thinking I would draw or paint it later. Now, after some frosty nights, it is even more interesting. Which one to draw . . . ?
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