Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts


the winter guild

A few Mourning Doves show up among the guild occasionally, especially if we put out cracked corn. These three sat together warming their feet in dim sunlight.


the winter guild

We've been counting birds for FeederWatch every week. The guild this winter in our wild woods includes black-capped chickadees like the one above. We offer black oil sunflower seeds, safflower seeds, thistle seeds, unsalted peanuts, suet, cranberries, and small pieces of fruit.


Christmas of white

Another snowfall last night. All the birds, especially the Northern Cardinals, are brilliant against the white backdrop.


hunting cat at the brush pile

This neighborhood cat, often seen scouting the edge of our woods, sat for a long time this afternoon staring at the holes in the snow beneath the bird seed feeder where the red squirrels come out from their tunnels under the brush pile. The cat finally stalked off, disappointed at the lack of activity. Soon after, a squirrel popped his head out to give the "all clear" . . .

. . . and later, another squirrel returned after enjoying seeds below the feeder.


sharp shinned hawk on the brush pile

The usual birds at the edge of the woods were suddenly scarce when this hawk swooped in to survey his hunting possibilities.



pumpkin lunch

The leftover pumpkins, split in halves, make a good lunch for the cardinals and bluejays. They seem able to share for a change.


winter moon in sunlight

Cold clear blue January sky glowing behind crisp branches
making a frame for winter moon.


fluffy warm

As the temperatures drop, the birds fluff up their feathers to increase insulating qualities.


winter guild

This year, the guild of birds wintering together in the wild woods includes this chickadee and the two northern cardinals behind it, all waiting in the brambles for their turn at the seed feeder.


the winter "guild"

The birds are gathering into their winter "guild". Several of the woodpeckers are back again -- the Downy Woodpecker Picoides pubescens, the Hairy Woodpecker Picoides villosus, Red-bellied Woodpecker Melanerpes carolinus, and the big Pileated Woodpecker Dryocopus pileatus. This Red-bellied Woodpecker helped himself to sunflower and safflower seeds.



Hoarfrost on oak trees, January 2009. The morning is so beautiful, it inspired me to start this blog!