
Robin in Springtime song

The Robins Turdus migratorius are busy gathering mud and grass for their nests, and singing during their work breaks.


treetop nests

As the snow melts and wind lifts away the clutter, we can see more clearly the nests at treetop level.   Maybe old empty ones, currently cozy ones, or soon to be used?


forsythia blooms

The forsythias are in full bloom this week.


bright epaulettes on blackbirds

The Red-Winged Blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus sings from the cattails and snatches snacks from the seed tray.


nest site selection

Bird pairs in the wild woods sing to one another as they inspect possible nest locations. We provide nest boxes, nesting tubes, and shrubs for the birds; we also put out clusters of fiber and grasses to help cushion their nests.



The birds are leaving the winter guild and finding mates again; this pair of House Finches Haemorhous mexicanus lunched together and sunned themselves on the tray feeder.

The sounds of Spring are louder each day -- woodpeckers drumming and excavating nest cavities, cardinals singing to one another, robins warning us away from their desired nesting spots, nuthatches barking for more peanuts, and chickadees chatting.



The jays usually get the peanuts before the nuthatches or squirrels.


running creek

Above freezing, finally, and the creek is running through the wild woods. The birds prefer bathing in it rather than the heated birdbath.


dusk visitor

An opossum Didelphis virginiana came out of the wild woods at dusk to savor the leftover peanuts scattered on the patio.


another big blizzard

In the midst of a blizzard, we noticed a House Finch with a bald spot on his back. He seems to have some wing feathers missing too, although he manages to go back and forth between the tray feeder and shrubs on the edge of the woods.


the winter guild

Although not as social as other birds, the Pileated Woodpeckers do come to the feeders to snatch pieces of suet, usually preferring to savor it on a nearby tree against rough bark to help hold it in place while they lick.

the winter guild

Yesterday six male cardinals took turns splashing in the heated water bowl. Today, two robins enjoyed a short bath. These are two of the six or eight we've been seeing at the edge of the woods.


the winter guild

The Bluejay hides among the branches until he feels confident of being big boy at the feeder. Then, he swoops down to savor the suet and show us his beautiful blue wing pattern.

the winter guild

Among the birds in the wild woods this winter is the Northern Flicker. This one spent quite a while today seeking insects under the tree bark. Since the sun was shining on his tree, he took a break with feathers fluffed up, then demonstrated how far his neck could reach around back . . .


the winter guild

A few Mourning Doves show up among the guild occasionally, especially if we put out cracked corn. These three sat together warming their feet in dim sunlight.


the winter guild

We've been counting birds for FeederWatch every week. http://www.birds.cornell.edu/pfw/ The guild this winter in our wild woods includes black-capped chickadees like the one above. We offer black oil sunflower seeds, safflower seeds, thistle seeds, unsalted peanuts, suet, cranberries, and small pieces of fruit.


Christmas of white

Another snowfall last night. All the birds, especially the Northern Cardinals, are brilliant against the white backdrop.


hunting cat at the brush pile

This neighborhood cat, often seen scouting the edge of our woods, sat for a long time this afternoon staring at the holes in the snow beneath the bird seed feeder where the red squirrels come out from their tunnels under the brush pile. The cat finally stalked off, disappointed at the lack of activity. Soon after, a squirrel popped his head out to give the "all clear" . . .

. . . and later, another squirrel returned after enjoying seeds below the feeder.


Red-bellied Woodpecker

Of the 4 types of woodpeckers in our woods, the Red-bellied like peanuts the best. The female enjoyed feeding at the tray earlier this autumn, and the male ventured close this week although he stayed among the trees. She looked more sleek with her feathers unruffled; with his feathers fluffed up for warmth he looks very much larger than he is.


sharp shinned hawk on the brush pile

The usual birds at the edge of the woods were suddenly scarce when this hawk swooped in to survey his hunting possibilities.



pumpkin lunch

The leftover pumpkins, split in halves, make a good lunch for the cardinals and bluejays. They seem able to share for a change.


winter guild is forming

The birds that stay in our woods through the cold winter months form a "guild" -- many birds of several species that share shelter and food for every one's sake. This female Cardinal, hovering in the woodland fringe at dusk, seemed to be enjoying another warm day in this unusual November.



This fall has been warmer than normal; sunny and mid-50's most days even into November. The Cardinal Dogwood shrubs have mostly turned to their autumn colors and set berries. But a few branches on the sheltered side have sprouted new buds and blossoms. I've heard some lilacs are also trying to bloom, thinking it is Springtime.


maple spendor

The maples are at peak color this week. Weather has been dry, mild, a bit warmer than normal since mid-September.


young birds, new feathers

The cardinals have been bringing their young to the feeders, teaching them to find and crack open the sunflower seeds. The little male gaped and begged at the feeder tray and the little female caught on quickly, happily skipping through the fading hosta leaves for seeds from the feeder above.