Cornell University has a program called NestWatch where citizen scientists report on birds' nests they see. I missed this one until now; it was hidden very well in the reeds near the pond.
Cornell University has a program called NestWatch where citizen scientists report on birds' nests they see. I missed this one until now; it was hidden very well in the reeds near the pond.
We trimmed back some undesirable willow plants around the pond. That action revealed a hidden nest. Earlier this summer, I found one Red-winged Blackbird nest near the pond in some reeds. All summer long, the male RWBB was bothered when anyone walked near the willows. He even dived at my head when I walked near that shore. I assumed he and his mate had a nest among the reeds closer to the pond. No wonder I could not find it in the reeds! It was revealed -- low in the willow sprouts -- when we trimmed around that area.
The Red-winged Blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus gave away the secret location of their nest by screeching at us as we walked around the pond. As I came near the spot, he warned me vocally and hit my hat with his feet as he flew by.
By Sunday morning they had all gone from the tree branch, no trace left behind of their weekend stay.