70+ degrees F. !! Wonderful autumn weather.
Turtle still sunning on rocks in the pond.
Frog jumping when I venture into the wetland.
Mallard pair still paddling around, feeding.
New England Aster Symphyotrichum novae-angliae blooming.
70+ degrees F. !! Wonderful autumn weather.
Turtle still sunning on rocks in the pond.
Frog jumping when I venture into the wetland.
Mallard pair still paddling around, feeding.
New England Aster Symphyotrichum novae-angliae blooming.
Snow overnight. The log is totally exposed, because we are down more than 8 inches of precipitation.
We trimmed back some undesirable willow plants around the pond. That action revealed a hidden nest. Earlier this summer, I found one Red-winged Blackbird nest near the pond in some reeds. All summer long, the male RWBB was bothered when anyone walked near the willows. He even dived at my head when I walked near that shore. I assumed he and his mate had a nest among the reeds closer to the pond. No wonder I could not find it in the reeds! It was revealed -- low in the willow sprouts -- when we trimmed around that area.
Seed pods of Canada Milkvetch are beginning to dry enough to spill the tiny seeds. In the background is the ubiquitous white asters that grow everywhere among native wildflowers at this time of the year.
This wildflower was finished blooming and was forming seeds. But its seed head sprouted green leaves! Fascinated, I looked closer. Some of new seeds were actually germinating and sprouting while still in the seed head. Usually, they wait until they are in the perfect place (soil, moisture, temperature, sunlight) to begin new growth. Sometimes you see this while seeds are still inside the fruit, like a tomato or green pepper. In plants, it is called vivipary (Latin for 'live birth') and involves seeds germinating before their determined time. I first learned about this a few years ago when my grandson sent me a photo of a sunflower seed head that was doing the same thing.
Scouring Rush Equisetum hyemale grows in the wetland around the pond.
It is also called 'horsetail'. This plant has coarse fibers and silica deposits in its stems, so herbivores don't eat this plant.
For more about this plant, see blog posts on 7/23/2020 and 6/25/2021.
Ruby-throated Hummingbirds have been enjoying the red trumpet flowers on the lonicera vine all summer. Finally, we saw them sitting still!
We found this baby Snapping Turtle on a street curb in the neighborhood. We relocated it to the wetland around the pond, hoping it would find enough to eat there. Snapping Turtles Chelydra serpentina eat water plants as well as insects, worms, snails, small fish, and anything edible that it can find.
On a patch of gravel a toad, the size of a quarter coin, was hunting for breakfast among the spider webs.
This young male Red-winged Blackbird was begging his mom to give him food from the seed feeder. I can tell he is a male because he's already starting to get his bright colored 'epaulets' on his shoulders. She has been putting food in his mouth whenever he gapes since he hatched out of his egg. But now that she is hoping he will find his own food!