Showing posts with label prey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prey. Show all posts


gleeful painted turtle

The painted turtles who live in the pond love to sit in the sun, especially on rocks near the water. There, each can enjoy the warmth and (in case of danger) slip into the water to hide if needed. This young little critter, about 4 inches long, looked so gleeful today with its feet extended out to catch as much sunshine as possible.


widow skimmer

This dragonfly male 'Widow Skimmer' Libellula luctuosa shows off his handsome transparent wings with black and white structural coloration -- the production of color by microscopically structured surfaces fine enough to interfere with visible light.

The grass seedhead on the left is close to the camera and in front of the wing. But the rush stem behind the wing is showing clearly through the transparent wing while the skimmer rests, clasping that stem.

He is probably looking for prey -- other insects such as mosquitoes. To catch prey he will use his legs, and bring prey into his mouth with fangs.


green heron

This is the first time we've seen a Green Heron this year.  Last year, posts on this blog showed the Butorides virescens several times --  describing what they eat, how they hunt for food, and how they use tools.  (see posts on 7-09-2020,  7-15-2020,  and 9-8-2020.

Green Heron is a small bird, usually 17 inches long.  When stealth is necessary, the neck is pulled in towards the body, but this bird pictured has it out half-way. It can extend the neck even longer to snap up prey.  Adults have a glossy, dark greenish iridescent cap, a greenish-grey back and wings, a chestnut neck with a white line down the front.  Legs are yellow, and the long bill has a sharp point. 


spotted sandpipers

A flock of shorebirds stopped today at the pond on their migration trip.  Spotted Sandpipers Actitis macularius, catch food in several different ways.  Like most other sandpipers, they probe into sand or mud with their bills looking for food -- aquatic larvae of insects, beetles, worms, snails or crustaceans.  And like herons, they also lunge at moving small fish in the water, pick insects off plants, or snap at flying prey.


green heron scouting for prey

We have not seen the Green Heron Butorides virescens around the pond since mid-July.  This one was balanced today on rocks near the shoreline, its thin legs crossed as it turned its body to spy prey below the water. After a while, it went into the grasses to hunt for another food item.