muskrat whiskers

The pond has been
under a comforter of white snow. The snow layer insulates and protects the
critters tucked in among the rocks, mud, and dormant plants below water and
On a sunny day, we saw a large rabbit sitting in the snow near the pond. It created a depression in the snow among reeds and wildflower stems, and snuggled down there all day. At dusk, it was gone from that spot. The next day the sunshine was bright on the white snow. The rabbit was in the same spot again, and napped all day. I suspect it was a White-tailed Jackrabbit Lepus townsendii, actually a hare. Jackrabbits are nocturnal hunters and are known to take daylight naps in a shallow hole.
log in first snow
Overnight, we had the first snow of this season. On the pond, the water is high and the log was frosted with a little coat of white 'frosting'. The reeds are still green, but weakening and leaning sideways with the weight of moisture. The turtles who sun themselves on the log in summer are hibernating now. (see Surviving Below Freezing, 10/31/2020)
green heron scouting for prey
We have not seen the Green Heron Butorides virescens around the pond since mid-July. This one was balanced today on rocks near the shoreline, its thin legs crossed as it turned its body to spy prey below the water. After a while, it went into the grasses to hunt for another food item.
Monarch butterfly caterpillars

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