This very secretive bird, that usually hides among
vegetation, today revealed itself at the edge of the pond! I hope this one will find a spot to nest
among the dense vegetation of rushes and sedges.
Not often seen in the open, the Sora is a small chubby bird of
freshwater shallow areas with plants such as cattails, sedges and rushes. Sora Porzana carolina is brown and
gray with a mottled patterned body, 8-10" long. Despite their camouflage feathers, the bright yellow bill gives
them away. It is stubby, thick, glowing
yellow in a gray face with black mask.
Soras feed by pecking at the water surface for seeds,
aquatic insects, or invertebrates. Long toes help them to rake through
submerged vegetation for food items, and help them walk on floating mats of
plants. They nest among dense plants at the pond edge.